What do you do in a “Catholic Studies Program”?

The Catholic Studies Program is a community of scholars – faculty and students – that mutually encourages thoughtful engagement with anything and everything Catholic as well as using Catholic insights to make sense of and find meaning and purpose in our world. The program draws attention to courses across the curriculum that provide the opportunity for broad, deep, and diverse engagement with everything and anything Catholic.
It supports that engagement at three levels:
- First, Catholic Studies’ own courses and those x-listed with other units can be taken as single electives by students pursuing majors and minors across the curriculum.
- Second, x-listed courses also draw students’ attention to courses in their major fields, allowing them to advance in their own programs as they deepen their appreciation for “the Catholic.”
- Third, students can join the Catholic Studies minor, which encourages a systematic engagement with everything and anything Catholic as it also provides a meaningful credential in applying to graduate school and for employment.