Archived Courses

In addition to the Catholic Studies courses (CATH) listed on prior web pages, the Catholic Studies Program also has offered courses cross-listed with the Art History, English, French, German, Government, History, International Affairs, Italian, Japanese, Jewish Civilization, Music, Philosophy, Sociology, Spanish, and Theology Departments.

ARTH 101: Ancient to Medieval Art (Tilney)

ARTH 102: Renaissance to Modern Art (Tilney)

ARTH 358: Art and Power in Africa (pending)

ARTH 417: Spectacle Latin America (Huezo)

ENGL 274: Italian Cinema (Fallani). The course includes investigation into Christian values as expressed in Italian Cinema. N.B.: This course is offered at Villa la Balza in Fiesole.

ENGL 392: The Literature of Toni Morrison (Mitchell)

FREN 380: Quebec Cinema (Santoro)

GERM 043: Witches (McCarron)

GOVT 313: Religious, Ethical, and World Affairs (Hollenbach)

GOVT 460: Ethical Issues in International Relations (McMorrow)

GOVT 461: Catholic Social Thought (McMorrow)

HIST 183: US Latinx History (Amezcua)

HIST 231: Middle Ages I: Millennium-Black Death (Moran Cruz)

HIST 331: Jesuits from Ignatius to Francis (Collins)

HIST 332: Topics: Mary through the Ages (Corcoran)

HIST 333: Religion and the State (Moran)

HIST 431: Outer Space from Plato to Pluto (Collins)

HIST 485: Latinx Social Movements (Loza)

INAF 027: Vatican Archives and the Holocaust (Brown-Fleming). A one-credit course that meets on February 2, 8, 16, and 23, and March 2, 2021. Course also listed as JCIV027.

INAF 109: Unraveling the Web: A Primer on Why the Middle East is a Mess (Soltes). The course includes examination of Middle Eastern Christianity, its origins and historical development to the present day, also in conjunction with Islam and Judaism.

INAF 188: Human Rights (Forman). An examination of antisemitism, its origins and historical development, including in its Christian dimension. Likewise, an examination of opposition to antisemitism, including in its Christian dimension.

INAF 233: Racialization of Religion (Sonn). Associated with SFS’s Global Anti-Racism Initiative, the course considers the intersections of racism and Christianity at key historical moments, beginning with the politicization of Christianity in the fourth century, reflecting on Christian sanctioned racism in the age of European colonization, and concluding with the Church’s current efforts to address past atrocities and condemn racism as an “affront to human dignity”.

JAPN 349: Catholicism in Japan (Doak).  Mainly in the modern period.  All readings are in English; no Japanese language is required.  Likely to be offered in Spring 2022

JCIV 013: Dynamic Dialogue: Talmudic Takes on Interfaith Engagement (Gartner/Skorka). A one-credit course that meets for five 150-minutes periods in March and early April. Interreligious encounters included those with early Christianity.

JCIV 027 – see INAF 027.

JCIV 109 – see INAF 109

JCIV 188 – see INAF 188

MUSC 328: Special Topics: Sacred Music (Weismann)

PHIL 120: Moral Agency (Pratt)

PHIL 160: Christian Creeds (Murphy)

SPAN 360: Don Quixote (Francomano)

SPAN 450: (De)colonizing the Indigenous Imaginary (Borowitz). This course will examine the nature and processes of subject formation in Spanish America during the 16th and 17th centuries. We will read Spanish-authored texts of several genres (evangelical and confessional manuals, utopian plans, legislative proposals, autos sacramentales and loas) that attempt to shape Amerindian individuals’ worldviews and self-perception as subjects of the Spanish Crown, alongside Indigenous-authored texts (lawsuits, codices, histories, plays, testimony) that resist those efforts.

THEO 023: Christian Initiation (Koester)

THEO 043: Augustine’s Confessions (Toom)

THEO 055: Christian-Muslim Relations (Heck). This course includes Catholic engagements with Islam, from Crusades to Vatican II.

THEO 060: Justice & Consumer Society (Danner)

THEO 064: Theology of Pilgrimage: Rome (Bosco)

THEO 085: Francis, Catholic Social Thought, Public Life (Daniels)

THEO 128: Divine Revelation (Folan)

THEO 129: Jesuits: Mission and Values (Crowley-Buck)

THEO 131: Faith Seeking Understanding (Lamm)

THEO 174: Eros and Caritas (O’Connell)

THEO 177: CBL: Courage, Hope, Justice (Danner)

THEO 184: Shi’ites, Sunnis, and Christians (Gertz)

THEO 192: Theo-Humanism (Heck). The course touches on the Catholic literary imagination.

Courses by Semester

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ARTH 358: Art and Power in Africa (pending)

ARTH 417: Spectacle Latin America (Huezo)

ENGL 274: Italian Cinema (Fallani)

ENGL 392: The Literature of Toni Morrison (Mitchell)

FREN 380: Quebec Cinema (Santoro)

GERM 043: Witches (McCarron

GOVT 313: Religious, Ethical, and World Affairs (Hollenbach)

GOVT 313: Religious, Ethical, and World Affairs (Hollenbach)

GOVT 461: Catholic Social Thought (McMorrow)

HIST 183: US Latinx History (Amezcua)

HIST 231: Middle Ages I: Millennium-Black Death (Moran Cruz)

HIST 331: Jesuits from Ignatius to Francis (Collins)

HIST 332: Topics: Mary through the Ages (Corcoran)

HIST 333: Religion and the State (Moran)

HIST 485: Latinx Social Movements (Loza)

HIST 431: Outer Space from Plato to Pluto (Collins)

JAPN 349: Catholicism in Japan (Doak)

JCIV 013: Dynamic Dialogue: Talmudic Takes on Interfaith Engagement (Gartner/Skorka)

JCIV 027 – see INAF 027

JCIV 109 – see INAF 109

JCIV 188 – see INAF 188

MUSC 328: Special Topics: Sacred Music (Weismann)

PHIL 120: Moral Agency (Pratt)

PHIL 160: Christian Creeds (Murphy)

SPAN 360: Don Quixote (Francomano)

SPAN 450: (De)colonizing the Indigenous Imaginary (Borowitz)

THEO 023: Christian Initiation (Koester)

THEO 043: Augustine’s Confessions (Toom)

THEO 055: Christian-Muslim Relations (Heck)

THEO 060: Justice & Consumer Society (Danner)

THEO 064: Theology of Pilgrimage: Rome (Bosco)

THEO 128: Divine Revelation (Folan)

THEO 129: Jesuits: Mission and Values (Crowley-Buck)

THEO 131: Faith Seeking Understanding (Lamm)

THEO 177: CBL: Courage, Hope, Justice (Danner)

THEO 184: Shi’ites, Sunnis, and Christians (Gertz)

THEO 192: Theo-Humanism (Heck)

CATH 113: Agitators, Pastors, and Organizers — Prof Drew Christiansen

CATH 346: Just War, Nonviolence, and Peacebuilding — Prof Drew Christiansen

ARTH 101: Ancient to Medieval Art – Prof Barrett W Tilney

ARTH 102: Renaissance to Modern Art — Prof Susan Nalezyty

ENGL 108: Chaucer and the 14th Century — Prof John C Hirsh

GERM 043: Witches — Prof Samantha Clara Grayck

GOVT 313: Religion, Ethics, and World Affairs — Prof Shaun CaseyHIST 230: Europe after Rome — Prof Timothy Paul Albert Newfield

HIST 240: The Reformations in Europe — Prof Amy E Leonard

MUSC 114: Music Culture: European Traditions — Prof Anthony R Del Donna

SOCI 136: Religion and Society — Prof Becky Hsu

THEO 001: The Problem of God — Prof Stephen Fields

THEO 001: The Problem of God — Prof Min-Ah Cho

THEO 001: The Problem of God — Prof Becky Hsu

THEO 077: Christian Mysticism — Prof Tarmo Toom

THEO 085: Francis, Catholic Social Thought and Public Life — Prof John Carr

ARTH 101: Ancient to Medieval Art – Prof Barrett Tilney

ARTH 102: Renaissance to Modern Art — Prof Susan Nalezyty

GERM 043: Witches — Prof Astrid M. Weigert

GOVT 313: Religion, Ethics, and World Affairs — Prof David Hollenbach

HIST 231: Middle Ages: Millennium-BI Death — Prof Jo Ann H Moran Cruz

HIST 332: Madonna — Prof Vanessa Corcoran

INAF 166: Seven Popes and the Jews — Prof Dennis McManus

INAF 224: Symbols of Faith — Prof Ori Z Soltes

ITAL 460: Dante — Prof Gianni Cicali

JCIV 166: Seven Popes and the Jews — Pope Dennis McManus

JCIV 224: Symbols of Faith — Prof Ori Z Soltes

MGMT 278: Courage and Moral Leadership — Prof Robert J Bies

PHIL 160: Christian Creeds — Prof Mark C Murphy

THEO 023: Christian Initiation — Prof Anne Koester

THEO 043: Augustine’s Confessions — Prof Tarmo Toom

THEO 085: Francis, Catholic Social Thought and Public Life — Prof Kim Daniels

THEO 129: Jesuits: Mission and Values — Prof John Crowley-Buck

THEO 173: The Betrayal of the Church — Prof Peter Folan

THEOR 174: Eros and Caritas — Prof Luke P OConnell

THEO 177: Courage, Hope, and Justice — Prof Kerry Blair Danner-McDonald

ARTH 101: Ancient to Medieval Art – Prof Barrett Tilney

ARTH 102: Renaissance to Modern Art — Prof Barrett Tilney

ENGL 108: Chaucer and the 14th Century — Prof John Hirsh

GERM 043: Witches — Prof Ekaterina Andreyevna Soloveva

GOVT 313: Religion, Ethics, and World Affairs — Prof Drew Christiansen

GOVT 461: Catholic Social Thought — Prof Marilyn McMorrow

HIST 230: Europe after Rome — Prof Timothy Paul Albert Newfield

JAPN 406: Endo Shusaku — Prof Kevin Doak

JCIV 237: Troubled Rivalry: History of Jewish/Catholic Religions — Prof Dennis McManus

MUSC 114: Music Culture: European Traditions — Prof Anthony Del Donna

SOCI 136: Religion and Society — Prof Jose Casanova

THEO 001: The Problem of God — Prof Stephen Fields

THEO 001: The Problem of God — Prof Min-Ah Cho

THEO 001: The Problem of God — Prof Luke OConnell

THEO 022: Intro to Roman Catholic Theology — Prof Otto Hentz

THEO 073: Religion and Society — Prof Jose Casanova

THEO 077: Christian Mysticism — Prof Tarmo Toom

THEO 085: Francis, Catholic Social Thought and Public Life — Prof John Carr

THEO 164: Truth/Relativism/Natural Law — Prof Stephen Fields

THEO 193: Japanese Christian Literature: Endo — Prof Kevin Doak

ARTH 101: Ancient to Medieval Art – Prof Barrett Tilney

ARTH 102: Renaissance to Modern Art – Prof Barrett Tilney

CLSL 109: Medieval Latin – Prof Dennis McManus

GERM 043: Witches – Prof Astrid Weigert

GOVT 313: Religion, Ethics, and World Affairs – Prof Drew Christiansen

GOVT 406: Political Violence in the Name of God – Prof Jocelyne Cesari

HIST 140: Charlemagne to Napoleon – Prof Amy Leonard

HIST 143: Spain/Portugal and their Empires – Prof Tommaso Astarita

HIST 232: History-Legend in Medieval Britain – Prof Jo Ann Cruz

HIST 339: Eternal City: A History of Rome – Prof Tommaso Astarita

INAF 166: Saints and Society – Prof Dennis McManus

INAF 255: Debates over Religious Freedom – Prof Mark Chopko and Prof David Saperstein

INAF 458: Fiction, Faith, and Violence – Prof Paul Elie

ITAL 460: Dante – Prof Francesco Ciabattoni

JAPN 349: Catholicism in Japan – Prof Kevin Doak

JCIV 166: Seven Popes and the Jews – Prof Dennis McManus

JCIV 213: Debates Over Religious Freedom – Prof Mark Chopko and Prof Saperstein

MGMT 278: Courage and Moral Leadership – Prof Robert Bies

PHIL 160: Christian Creeds – Prof Mark Murphy

THEO 001: The Problem of God – Prof Matthew Anderson

THEO 023: Christian Initiation – Prof Anne Koester

THEO 043: Augustine’s Confessions – Prof Tarmo Toom

THEO 064: Theology of Pilgrimage: Rome – Prof Mark Bosco

THEO 077: Christian Mysticism – Prof Stephan Fields

THEO 085: Francis, Catholic Social Thought and Public Life – Prof Kim Daniels

THEO 129: Jesuits: Mission and Values – Prof John Crowley-Buck

THEO 136: Women Mystics – Prof Julia Lamm

THEO 173: The Betrayal of the Church – Prof Peter Folan

THEO 174: Eros and Caritas – Prof Stephan Fields

THEO 177: Courage, Hope, and Justice – Prof Kerry Danner-McDonald

THEO 236: The Vatican and Ireland – Prof TBA

THEO 367: Two Councils: Trent/Vatican II – Prof John O’Malley

ARTH 101: Ancient to Medieval Art – Prof Barrett W Tilney

ARTH 102: Renaissance to Modern Art – Prof Susan Nalezyty

ENGL 108: Chaucer & the 14th Century – Prof John C Hirsh

ENGL 273: Catholic Literary Modernism – Prof Mark Bosco

GERM 043: Witches – Prof John Forrest Finch

GERM 230: Catholic-Protestant Conflict – Prof Mary Helen Dupree

GOVT 313: Religion, Ethics, World Affairs – Prof Michael J Kessler

GOVT 461: Department Seminar: Catholic Social Thought – Prof Marilyn McMorrow

HIST 230: Europe After Rome – Prof Timothy Paul Albert Newfield

ITAL 375: Boccaccio: Invention of Storytelling – Prof Francesco Ciabattoni

JCIV 237: Troubled Rivalry: History of Jewish and Catholic Relations – Prof Dennis D McManus

MUSC 114: Music Culture: European Traditions – Prof Anthony R Del Donna

PHIL 280: History of Ancient Medieval Philosophy – Prof Neil T Lewis and Prof Katherine A Withy

SOCI 136: Religion and Society – Prof Jose J Casanova

SPAN 407: Medieval Cinema – Prof Emily C Francomano

THEO 001: The Problem of God – Prof Kevin Doak

THEO 001: The Problem of God – Prof Stephen M Fields

THEO 001: The Problem of God – Prof Min-Ah Cho

THEO 001: The Problem of God – Prof Luke P O’Connell

THEO 022: Intro to Roman Catholic Theology – Prof Otto H Hentz

THEO 073: Religion and Society – Prof Jose J. Casanova

THEO 077: Christian Mysticism – Prof Tarmo Toom

THEO 085: Francis, Catholic Social Thought & Public Life – Prof John Carr

ARTH 101: Ancient to Medieval Art – Prof Barrett Tilney

ARTH 102: Renaissance to Modern Art – Prof Barrett Tilney

ARTH 228: Northern Renaissance Art – Prof Al Acres

ARTH 330: Baroque Art & Architecture – Prof Susan Nalezyty

CLSL 109: Medieval Latin – Prof Dennis McManus

ENGL 313: Tolkien and Medieval Roots – Prof Kelley Wickham-Crowley

FREN 364: Love & War in Medieval France – Prof Joseph Johnson

GERM 043: Witches – Prof Noelle Rettig

GOVT 313: Religion, Ethics, and World Affairs – Prof Drew Christiansen

GOVT 406: Political Violence in the Name of God – Prof Jocelyne Cesari

HIST 231: Middle Ages: Millennium-Bl Death – Prof Jo Ann Cruz

HIST 240: The Reformations in Europe – Prof Amy Leonard

HIST 434: Sex and Celibacy: Early Modern Europe – Prof Amy Leonard

INAF 255: Debates over Religious Freedom – Prof David Saperstein and Prof Mark Chopko

INAF 458: Fiction, Faith, and Violence – Prof Paul Elie

ITAL 460: Dante – Prof Francesco Ciabattoni

JAPN 406: Japanese Christian Literature – Prof Kevin Doak

MGMT 278: Courage and Moral Leadership – Prof Robert Bies

PHIL 160: Christian Creeds – Prof Mark Murphy

PHIL 276: Dante and Christian Imagination – Prof Francis Ambrosio

PHIL 280: History of Ancient/Medieval Philosophy – Prof Neil Lewis and Prof Katherine Withy

THEO 001: The Problem of God – Prof Erik Versendaal

THEO 023: Christian Initiation – Prof Anne Koester

THEO 034: The Thought of Aquinas – Prof Stephen Fields

THEO 043: Augustine’s Confessions – Prof Tarmo Toom

THEO 045: Theology and Literature – Prof Michael Higgins

THEO 064: Theology of Pilgrimage: Rome – Prof Mark Bosco

THEO 119: Paradise, Sacrifice, Festivity – Prof Erik Versendaal

THEO 129: Jesuits: History/Spirit – Prof Charles Gonzalez, Prof Brian McDermott, and Prof John O’Malley

THEO 177: Courage, Hope, and Justice – Prof Kerry Danner-McDonald

THEO 193: Japanese Christian Literature – Prof Kevin Doak

THEO 367: Two Councils: Trent / Vatican II – Prof John O’Malley

ENGL 245: Exploring Catholic Culture – Prof John Pfordresher and Prof Anthony Tambasco

ENGL 269: Religion and Literature – Prof Mark Bosco

GERM 230: Catholic-Protestant Conflict – Prof Mary Dupree

GOVT 461: Department Seminar: Catholic Social Thought – Prof Marilyn McMorrow

JUPS 123: Intro to Justice and Peace – Prof Elham Atashi

JUPS 123: Intro to Justice and Peace – Prof Randall Amster

THEO 011: Intro to Biblical Literature – Prof Angela Rasmussen

THEO 011: Intro to Biblical Literature – Prof Alan Mitchell

THEO 011: Intro to Biblical Literature – Prof Stephen Wilson

THEO 011: Intro to Biblical Literature – Prof Joseph Wimmer

THEO 022: Intro to Roman Catholic Theology – Prof Otto Hentz

THEO 121: Catholic Ritual, Spirituality, and Justice – Prof Anne Koester

THEO 122: The Church and the Poor – Prof Raymond Kemp

WGST 200: Feminist Thought I – Prof Elizabeth Velez

ENGL 244: Flannery O’Conner – Prof Mark Bosco

INAF 458: Fiction, Faith, and Violence – Prof Paul Elle

MGMT 278: Courage and Moral Leadership – Prof Robert Bies

THOE 018: Religion and Irish Revolution – Prof Gerard Mannion

THEO 085: Francis: Catholic Social Thought and Public Life – Prof John Carr

GERM 024: Germanic / Christian Hero – Prof G. Ronald Murphy

INAF 434: The Catholic Peace Tradition – Prof Drew Christiansen

JUPS 123: Intro to Justice and Peace – Prof Elham Atashi

JUPS 123: Intro to Justice and Peace – Prof Randall Amster

THEO 011: Intro to Biblical Literature – Prof Tod Linafelt

THEO 011: Intro to Biblical Literature – Prof Angela Rasmussen

THEO 011: Intro to Biblical Literature – Prof Adam Rasmussen

THEO 011: Intro to Biblical Literature – Prof Joseph Wimmer

TEHO 022: Intro to Roman Catholic Theology – Prof Otto Hentz

THEO 121: Catholic Ritual, Spirituality, and Justice – Prof Anne Koester

THEO 122: The Church and the Poor – Prof Raymond Kemp

WGST 200: Feminist Thought I – Prof Elizabeth Velez

GOVT 461: Department Seminar: Catholic Social Thought – Prof Marilyn McMorrow

INAF 458: Fiction, Faith, and Violence – Prof Paul Elie

MGMT 278: Courage and Moral Leadership – Prof Robert Bies