The Minor in Catholic Studies

Africa Catholic Congregation – Catholic Missionary World
The Minor in Catholic Studies allows students to engage the richness of the Catholic intellectual and cultural tradition with the various dimensions of human existence such as the arts, sciences, humanities, law, medicine, politics, business, and economics.
The Gateway courses
- CATH 1122 – Global Catholicism – On the one hand, Catholicism is renowned (or perhaps, notorious) for its doctrinal precision, centralized and hierarchical structure, and enforcement of orthodoxy. On the other hand, Catholicism has arguably proved itself the most adaptable form of Christianity to local cultures around the globe. Studying Catholicism as it is understood and practiced around the world is a perfect (and extremely complex) case study for understanding ways that unity and diversity, centers and peripheries, ideas and cultures interact, collude, and conflict. The aim of this class is to investigate what global Catholicism is, how it works, how it developed, and what sustains unity and legitimates diversity.
- CATH 1123 – U.S. Catholicism
Requirements for the Minor
All students wishing to minor in Catholic Studies must complete six courses (18 credit hours), including 1 Gateway Seminar, CATH 1120s (3 hours), 1 THEO course on Catholic Theology and x-listed CATH (3 hours), and 4 additional courses CATH or x-listed CATH in other departments (12 hours). No more than two of these four may come from the same department/unit (no more than 6 hours of the 12). At least two of these four must be “upper-level” by the guidelines of the particular department/unit.
- 1 CATH Gateway Seminar, CATH 1120-1129 (3 hours)
- 1 THEO course on Catholic Theology (3 hours)
- 4 courses CATH or x-listed CATH in other departments, e.g., Art History, English, Government, History, Japanese, International Affairs, Music, Philosophy, Theology, etc. (12 hours)
- No more than two of these four may come from the same department/unit (no more than 6 hours of the 12).
- At least two of these four must be “upper-level” by the guidelines of the particular department/unit. Generally, these are numbered 300 and above (at least 6 hours).
For course listings for Catholic Studies, see the Schedule of Classes.
Please direct all questions or inquiries to the Catholic Studies Program Director, Professor David Collins SJ, at